At the heart of every automated inspection system is a mechanical handling system that provides relative movement of the source, detector, and/or part. The InSight InMotion module serves as the critical connection to the mechanical inspection.
Our InSight Acquire software is designed to acquire calibrated/corrected images from many commercially available digital detectors including Varex Imaging and PerkinElmer. It offers a simple implementation of image calibration and testing tools designed to acquire images quickly and accurately.
Our InSight Review is a full-featured, DICONDE-compliant image analysis software package. While designed to integrate with InSight Acquisition and InMotion, it can be utilized to analyze images obtained by any compliant acquisition system.
Digital Imaging and Communication in Nondestructive Evaluation(DICONDE) is an evolving standard that provides a way for nondestructive evaluation (NDE) manufacturers and users to share image data. It is based on the American College of Radiology(ACR)/National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) standard.